Vegan Chocolate Orange Energy Balls

We love meeting inspiring and talented founders of other food brands. A few weeks ago we shared smoothies with Mary - a founder of Onist Food. Mary is a nutritionist who used to work for Jamie Oliver (omg!) and then started her own business making delicious Avocado Choc Pods. We loved them so much that we could not wait to try them with one of our mixes!
The result was SO good, that would have been unfair of us not to share the recipe with you (we have eaten half of the batch within an hour of making it!).
Recipe (makes 15 balls)

Superfood Bakery Bliss Balls
1 Pack
Agave Nectar
Coconut Oil 1 tbsp
Juice of half an orange and orange zest
Desiccated coconut to decorate

Put all ingredients in a blender. Blitz until well-combined.

Taste for sweetness and add more agave nectar if necessary.

Roll into balls, decorate with desiccated coconut and orange zest. Refrigerate for 15 minutes before eating! YUM!